The Saturday Rant. Whats up with your profile images..

Well peeps have you noticed the amount of new spacers who have not uploaded there profile picture. Its quite suprizing, its simple to do. I have explained the simple steps for using a profile module in my using spaces list. If you have problems getting a profile picture of yourself into your pc or something then just search around on google or image websites like bigoo ws or messenger freaks ect. and use a suitable image, practically anything will do. Just right click over the image and then "save picture as" in the falldown. You can then save the image to your PC picture folder. You can then click on browse when editing your profile and upload the picture you found.
There are lots of well established spaces who have only used images for there profile. such as Marcel of world live spaces, Myself, and One live alien to mention a few.
It is important to use an image in your profile or
We all look the blooming same, LOL.
Take care peeps see you soon from Spence 
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3 Responses to The Saturday Rant. Whats up with your profile images..

  1. JaAG says:

    I wish it was that easy and I work for the company that created Live Spaces.  :o(
    The problem I see is that people create a profile picture but their picture doesn\’t propagate through the Internet. I know because I\’ve created profile picks for my Mom, sister, brother, daughter, grandson, and more and still they don\’t always show up. It is very frustrating. You can usually go back and redo it the process, but it sucks that you have to do that. At least the Live Spaces comment snafu has been fixed. I usually had to go from Internet Explorer to my back up Mozilla FireFox to post a comment!

  2. JaAG says:

    Agreed, most people hate to learn something new and your post certainly demystifies the process. It only erks me because for example I visit my sister in Minnesota, help her set up her stuff which is easier when you are there and then return to Washington state to find that the picture part of the process that work then doesn\’t now. No wonder some people don\’t like the computer.

  3. Dee says:

    Spence thank you for visiting my site.  You reminded me of many things by sharing the video with me and also for reminding me that Demons are alive and well on planet earth.  I feel stimulated to keep on keeping on and I have been fighting a battle for months now. I have managed to share with a friend some of the things I am still dealing with, and it is friends like her, and like you that make me want to return today.  I don\’t think today is the day though.  I have been hacked 2 times and I now have a new computer.  Everything was lost and you know how much work goes into you space.  I am confident even more than ever after reading your message to not take to long, but now I am resting.  You know Spence the demons only have as much power as we give them so thank you for reminding me to put on the full armor of God and continue the good fight.  Jesus gave us his children power over Satan and those demons, but sometime we have to be firm and stand on God\’s promises.   
    Thank you, thank you as I can tell you are truly a careing kind soul and I am priveliged to have you as a friend.  I have learned many things through the trials, and I believe sometime we have to be in the dessert in order to learn new things.  I can\’t stay mad or hold a grudge. I forgive and forget easily but there has to be a balance to not keep forgetting some of the things and keep repeating the same things with the same or different people knowing very well I must love them, but try to avoid the things they do and I allow hurt to enter again.   Mostly now I am waiting to see if I will be hacked again as I know who is doing it.  I have changed all I can like strong passwords, and I am usinging the defender firewall with great protection.  I have spoken to several geeks and they all agree that you do all you can, but if a person is knowledgeable enough in hacking there isn\’t much you can do.  I know they used keyloggers and r.a.t.s.  These aren\’t detected on your virous protection.
    Enough said about that as I chose to spend my time just resting a bit and then I will be back as I do have some of the kindest friends one could meet online.  My dear friend I leave you with much love and God\’s blessings.  Dee

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